Memberships & Court Reservations
North Miami Beach Academy (NMBA) offers several Tennis Membership Options & Benefits. By purchasing one of our NMBA Tennis Memberships you become part of a larger tennis community where you can chose to play singles and/or doubles with other avid tennis players and enthusiasts.
Because we are open year-round you can play as much or as little as you like. You can even set up your own schedules or meet with one of our program coordinators who can help you meet other members to get the ball moving.​​
Members Only Benefits:
Reserve your court time in advance Online (Members Only)
Pay no additional court fees
Pay no additional court fees​
Court Reservations
Once you secure your membership you can start reserving courts and take advantage of some member only benefits. Click the link below and make your first court reservation right online. Use the easy-to-follow steps and get swinging.