Working together
When students enroll at North Miami Beach Academy (NMBA), our team of professionals guides them through the orientation process. Students are enrolled in an orientation course that is appropriate to their grade level and enrollment status (full-time or part-time), which acclimates them to academy and our learning process. Coaches and a variety of other support staff, also answer questions during the orientation process and provides training and guidance with our unique model for learning. To ensure student success, families are encouraged to communicate with our staff via a variety of methods.
Throughout the year, we monitor student activity and progress, and help promote time management skill with our students’, demanding daily schedules of in-class and on the playing field regimens. We ensure that students uphold the Academies’ code of conduct and demands of the programs delivered on-site daily, throughout the year.
Our student athletes and their families are highly diverse and come from areas around the globe. Regardless of where our students are from, the Academy community shares the same passion for excellence in all facets of learning. Families, teachers, and staff believe that educational achievement should not be limited; by allowing the student to form their own educational goals, the results are more attainable and meaningful to the student. Our families turn to us to help their children learn how to participate in a high-performance, high-achieving environments.
Parents who enroll their children in the NMBA school seek a personalized approach that meets their child’s learning style, by offering block-scheduling, and a social and physical environment that is conducive to true learning.
In the North Miami Beach Academy school learning environment, students, teachers, coaches, and parents work together, all with an active role, dedicated to helping the child excel. Being a successful learner requires self-motivation, a commitment to time management, and a desire to achieve.
Effective communication between parents, students, teachers, and coaches is the key to creating a learning team that ensures student success.
Our educational model for learning encourages students to develop strong skills and a heightened sense of intrinsic motivation. As a result, students pursue their personal goals and interests in a very intense way, experiencing an amazing preparatory education and becoming primetime competitors ready to tackle all that they encounter.
Students participate in cooperative learning with teachers in class who guide them through the learning process by personalizing the student’s educational experience during school hours. Our fully-qualified teachers are experienced professionals, many of whom possess advanced degrees and are well-versed in blended learning education.
NMBA teachers are credentialed, possess strong subject area expertise, and demonstrate a passion for teaching. At the core, our teachers’ goal is the understanding of teaching as a collaborative process, rather than just the delivery of instruction and assessment of student work.
We understand the goal of education is to encourage students to discover and develop their interests, talents, and natural gifts. This approach inspires students to become active learners who think independently, communicate effectively, and see themselves as members of a global community.
NMBA teachers provide students with the necessary skills to become independent learners and self- directed individuals, confident about their life journey in education.
Our Director of Academics keeps in frequent contact with students and NMBA teachers provide feedback, making comments that address each student’s areas of strength and challenge with expertise and compassion. Grades and student progress are viewed and shared with students and parents in our user- friendly, interactive grade book.
Our Director of Academics keeps in frequent contact with students and parents, responding to questions through our interactive grade book, phone, email, video conferencing, zoom, or mail. Teachers support students in personalizing curriculum, advising academic strategies, and setting up guidelines for communication. In order to support the learning and strategies for student success, the student’s teachers also keep in contact with each other as well as with the school administrator.
The NMBA school is a brick- and-mortar school with a student-to-teacher ratio of 8:1-10:1. We pair up teachers with small groups of students in the same classroom setting for learning, lecturing, and sharing together. This approach inspires our students to become active learners who think independently, communicate effectively, and see themselves as capable learners.
Daily Academic classroom operations are from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. — Monday-Friday.
The North Miami Beach Academy school is dedicated to individualized education for every child. In order to accommodate the variety of grade levels and skill levels, we use a blended learning approach. Research shows that a blended education is superior to either online education or face-to-face education. Blended learning allows students in a brick-and-mortar school to learn at their own pace, at their own level. Students are instructed by certified teachers in their classrooms as they navigate the curriculum.
The traditional teacher-centered classroom often finds the teacher teaching to the middle of the class, guaranteeing that some students fall behind. At the NMBA school, students are always working higher than their skill level and focusing on their individual goals. The certified teacher in the classroom monitors student progress in real time, and at the end of the day.
Our blended learning environment removes the negatives associated with learning. Our certified teachers motivate, encourage, and mentor each student based on their individual needs, making education a team effort. Relationships between student and professional educator become the key element that spurs academic excellence.
Oftentimes in traditional school, the times right before and after lunch, and right before dismissal are when students are easily distracted. Students are in class for two hours each morning, two hours each afternoon, and (Mon.-Fri.). This schedule allows concentrated effort without boredom. Each student is involved in a specialization.
In addition to academics, that specialization is two hours each morning, two hours each afternoon. This mixture of specialization and academic rigor dispersed over the course of the day maximizes efficiency in both specialization training and academics. We truly are a family of students, teachers, and administrators with the same goal in mind: academic and athletic excellence.
NMBA takes the best elements of education and makes them the foundation of our school. We individualize education while utilizing technology to accelerate learning. Our professional educators combine personalized learning with sport to enable our student athletes to function at peak intellectual and physical performance, redefining excellence in education.